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Totalling non consecutive columns

Excel Help for Totalling Non Consecutive Columns in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Totalling Non Consecutive Columns

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ConfusedIn my biz plan the financial are update with two new cols each year.

I need to total a1+c1+d1+f1 this year and next year we add two new cols g & h 

is there a slick way to total these cols as the formula is used in bunch of cells without editing each one or copying for hours?


 Rod Dakan
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You should name the ranges that you want to sum together by selecting the range of cells and create a name in the Name box in the top left corner.  e.g "total1"

You can then use this name to create a formula like "=SUM(total1)".

If you are adding columns it is best to make the named range with one empty column at the end.  This way, inserting new columns will update the named range reference to update the formula result.

For non consecutive columns you should be able to update the first row formula and then autofill or copy for the rest of the columns.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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That works fine.  Thanks

Now is there a way to use that range name to total across row 2 and so forth down the income statement?

 Rod Dakan
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Once you created the formula in the first row, you should be able to copy it down the column to total each row in the spreadsheet.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Thanks Russell

I did make a small change to my range to allow for the copying down.

When I selected the cells to total excel made them fixed with the $ so all I had to do to make it mobil was remove the $ for the row.

Works great now 


 Rod Dakan
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