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Formula for data duplication between sheets?

Excel Help for Formula For Data Duplication Between Sheets? in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Formula For Data Duplication Between Sheets?

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ConfusedHi Anyone of an Excel Nature,

I keep a months records of my hours that I work as apartment manager for the owner on a single monthly excel sheet.

However, the owner wants weekly time sheets and he wants them sent to him now.

I have at least a years monthly time sheets that he wants in a weekly format.

I would still like to keep my records of my hours in a monthly format so that I can see what I've done at an entire month's glance. 

Is there a "Formula" for automating the duplication of data between the monthly and weekly time sheets.

Is it also possible to use a "Formula" to duplicate the "Word-Description" of work done for the data-hours recorded between the monthly and weekly time sheets?

Can this "Formula" be made to include "Updates", that is if I happen to change the data in the monthly sheet that it automatically changes-updates in the weekly sheets and Visa Versa (from weekly to monthly)?

I've looked at "Filtering", that wont work for what I need.  The owner wants days that I haven't worked included in the time sheets to evaluate the over all work performance.

I've also tried "=" on the weekly sheet > then going to the monthly sheet and highlighting the cell to be duplicated > then going back to the weekly sheet and pressing enter.  This ends up being nothing more than copying and pasting.

I already can do that, the point is to save a lot of time here.

A "Formula" for automating the duplication of data between the monthly and weekly time sheets is what I'm after.

It is kind of a lot of copy and pasting other wise.

If you don't know maybe you know where there might be an answer?


 John J. Zettel
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