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Adding to invoice?

Excel Help for Adding To Invoice? in Excel Invoice Template

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Adding To Invoice?

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ConfusedI was wondering if it was possible to add a drop down section to the invoice. We need a section that would tell us and the book keeper if the sale was "out of state, re-sale,or taxed."

I also noticed that in a trial run of the invoice, the item description did not all show in the box(cell) provided.  I'm interested in purchasing the spreadsheets but would also like to change/add to it to suit our needs. Thanks Laurence

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When receiving the registration key for the Invoice template, you will also recieve the passwrod to unprotect the sheets and make customizations as you wish.

One must be careful not to remove certain cells and regions as the processes depend on them.  Adding a drop down box would be fine by inserting a row or finding an empty space to do so.  The program is designed to adjust the item description row size to the content; however this can also be done manually after the sheet protection is removed.

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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thanks for the quick reply.  I will be talking to the boss and showing him your product and going from there. thanks again
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