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Auto copy from drop down list to three new sheets

Excel Help for Auto Copy From Drop Down List To Three New Sheets in Automating Data Analysis Tasks

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Auto Copy From Drop Down List To Three New Sheets

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ShockedSo here's what I'm working with. I have a workbook with three sheets on it so far, the first sheet is the master list, which is auto populated by the second and third sheets (all with matching columns). On the second two sheets, seperated by the two closers of my company, column D is the status column. There are about 8 options to te drop down list, but I am only concerned about three, Hold, Lost, and Dead. What i need to happen is when I choose any of these three options, I want it to auto copy onto one of three new sheets, which will be called Hold, Lost and Dead. I would also like to see it auto delete from the sheet that it origniated on.

I know there are ways to do this, but I have spent the past two weeks trying to get a code that works. Can someone help me???
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Try to first record a macro doing the basic functions.  The you can make the code more dynamic by placing information into variables. Once it is generic, right click the object (e.g. combo box) and assign the macro to it.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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I have tried using the advance filter but it doesnt do what I'm looking for and I keep getting error codes even though I hav filters set on my tables in the sheets. Which is why I think I need a VBA code to do what I'm looking for.
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do you have any examples of a code like this that I could modify based on the criteria I'm looking for in the cell and the names of the worksheets?

I am fairly new to all of this so I can use all the help I can get, I have tried adapting other codes that I have found in forums but nothing seems to work. Thanks for taking the time to help, it is greatly appreciated.
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You could create some VBA code and add it to the OnChange event of the either the worksheet in question or the dropdown list. The code should then include an If function to evaluate the option chosen.  This may be from a cell link of the dropdown list.  The code would then copy rows and insert them into the correct sheet and then go back to the originating sheet and delete the rows copied.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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