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Conditional formatting of the last entry in the column only

Excel Help for Conditional Formatting Of The Last Entry In The Column Only in Automating Data Analysis Tasks

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Conditional Formatting Of The Last Entry In The Column Only

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ConfusedHello, Ive got a question. I have set up conditional formatting of a cell that is my header tittle and I want it to turn yellow based on a condition of the last entry in the column only.

I want the header to only recognize the last numerical entry based on any number greater than zero.

Ive set up everything already, except it recognizes ALL the data and will turn yellow if ANY numbers in the column are greater than zero rather than the last entry in the column

Piz help
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You need to create a conditional formula in the header cell.  The formula should reference the last cell in the column e.g. A100>0.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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ConfusedData is continuously added to each column and thus the spreadsheet leightens when new data is added. Will this formula recognize the last entry each time only?
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ShockedIn this case, you need to change the formula to dynamically find the address of the last cell in the column.

If the data is contiguous (it doesn't contain any blank cells) then you can use the following formula for column A:

 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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