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Excel - List - Then Easy replace all

Excel Help for Excel - List - Then Easy Replace All in Analyzing Corporate Financial Data

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Excel - List - Then Easy Replace All

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ConfusedHello, I have excel 2008 on apple mac (no macro facility) I am looking for a formula to do the following, can anyone help? All of this data is situated in column C.I have a list of approx 100 products all different, I have parts of this product  this list repeated say 50 times throughout column C, so many duplicates. I want to first compile a list of all the unique products I have from this column. Then using my new unique list I would like to be able to change a product in the unique list which will automatically change all the same products within Column C.Now I have written it, it sounds not so complex but it has baffled me. Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance
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Since Excel 2008 for Mac doesn't have VBA, the easitest way is to create a Pivot table from the data and put the product as a row field so that it shows a unique list only.  This list can then be copied into a new worksheet.

To update another column with the same data for each product, you can use a VLOOKUP function that matches the product text.
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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Hi im not so coversant with these functions but I now know where to concentrate efforts.

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