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Property Investment Valuation

Excel property investment valuation for real estate and loan

Excel Property Investment Valuation

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The Property and Real Estate Investment Valuation template for Excel is a software solution for Microsoft Excel that allows real estate investors to evaluate the economic merits of one or more real estate investments.

Property Investment Valuation for Excel can be used to evaluate a single real estate investment, but its real benefit is the ability to compare one property to another. Users of the Property and Real Estate Investment Valuation template may customize the analysis based on their views on each property and on the overall real estate market.

The expected return on the real estate market and the individual properties' sensitivity to changes in the overall market can be varied. Based on these inputs, the Property and Real Estate Investment Valuation template automatically calculates a relevant discount rate for each property being analyzed. Inputs include:
  • Year that analysis is being performed.
  • Expected return on real estate market as a whole.
  • Current ten-year Treasury note yield.
  • Sensitivity of each property to the overall real estate market.

The percentage of rent that is allocated to maintenance, selling expenses and taxes for each property during each year can be entered. Depreciation may also be varied for each property during each year. Inputs include:
  • Properties' annual maintenance as percentage of rent.
  • Properties' annual selling expenses as percentage of rent.
  • Properties' annual taxes as percentage of rent.
  • Properties' annual depreciation (total for the 10-yr period cannot exceed appraised value of property).

The results of Property Investment Valuation for Excel analysis show:
  • The discount rate for each property, automatically calculated.
  • A cash flow statement for each property is generated.
  • The net present value for each property is automatically calculated and presented.

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(Updated on 2024-07-01)

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