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What is the difference between excel 2000 and excel 2003?

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What Is The Difference Between Excel 2000 And Excel 2003?

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Recently I just saw this free course on excel 2000, but the version that I have on my computer is 2003. So I have keen interest to know that what is the difference between excel 2000 and excel 2003? Can you help me in this regard.
Kynthia Melissa

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The main differences for Excel 2003 from Excel 2000 are:
  • Microsoft Map removed
  • Access Links
  • AutoSave
  • ODBC Add-in
  • Report Manager
  • Template Utilities
  • Template Wizard with Data Tracking
  • Update Links feature
  • Quattro Pro 5.0 Converter integrated
  • Text to Speech
 Excel Business Forums Administrator
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