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Business Valuation

Excel Business Valuation templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions

Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for company and business valuation. These Excel solutions provide a framework for determining the value of a wide range of financial assets and proposed investments to be applied in such disciplines as merger and acquisition appraisal, business cases and investment or divestment proposals. Excel template and solutions cover varying and alternative valuation methodologies and their appropriate application to business decision making requirements.

Recommended Solution
The Investment and Business Valuation template is ideal for evaluating a wide range of investment, financial analysis and business case scenarios. Analysis performed includes accounting impact, Economic Value Added, and NPV of cash flows.
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4.3 from 7 votes
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This Excel equity valuation model accepts user input from the income statement and balance sheet portions of a firm's 10-K report and the practitioner's views on the direction of the stock market in order to calculate a per share equity value.
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3.2 from 8 votes
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Oil and Gas Exploration and Production (E & P) Company Equity Valuation Spreadsheet. This Excel equity valuation model is designed specifically for Oil Exploration and Production companies.
Views: 29,880Rating:
2.2 from 12 votes
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The Business Valuation Model is designed to provide an economical, efficient and effective business valuation. It combines relative indicators for future performance with basic financial data to value a business.
Views: 21,266Rating:
3.3 from 12 votes
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The NPV and IRR Template for Excel calculates the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) percentages for regular period cash flows.
Views: 20,884Rating:
3 from 6 votes
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This Stock Market Valuation spreadsheet template for Excel contains the 'Fed Valuation Model' method of stock market valuation that has long been used by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to measure stock market overvaluation or undervaluation.
Views: 15,619Rating:
3.8 from 4 votes
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The Excel financial valuation and modeling course combines corporate valuation and financial modeling concepts in Excel for finance industry analysts, bankers, consultants and management.
Views: 6,801Rating:
4 from 1 vote
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