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Forecasting and Prediction

Excel Forecasting and Prediction templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions

Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for forecasting time series projections and prediction. These Excel solutions are designed to assist in maximizing the predictive strength of projecting and forecasting activities and can be used to provide a solid basis for justifying forecasts of time series data used in business case and investment proposals. Excel templates and solutions employ prediction and forecasting techniques to produce forward looking analysis that can used with quantitative confidence under robust methodologies and statistical significance testing.

Recommended Solution
Excel Neural Network Prediction is a neural network clustering and forecasting tool that quickly and accurately performs data mining and powerful forecasting in Microsoft Excel.
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4.1 from 13 votes
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The Multiple Regression Analysis and Forecasting template provides a solid basis for identifying value drivers and forecasting business plan data. Advanced statistical tests performed include significance, auto correlation, and multicollinearity.
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4 from 13 votes
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The Forecasting Add-in for Excel is based on neural networks and an ideal solution for Excel users who need a reliable and intuitive forecasting tool for Excel.
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3.6 from 5 votes
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The Statistics Add-in for Excel provides a set of accurate and reliable statistical analysis functions to Excel for performing analytical tasks such as those required for forecasting and prediction.
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3.2 from 8 votes
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Time Series Analysis for Excel is an Excel add-in for performing detailed econometric and time series for forecasting with model diagnostics of residuals.
Views: 12,351Rating:
2.6 from 5 votes
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Mac Data Analysis for Excel is a powerful data mining, analysis and prediction solution for the Macintosh operation system and integrated with Excel 2004, 2008 and 2011 for Mac.
Views: 10,651Rating:
3.3 from 4 votes
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Excel 3D Bubble Charts is an Excel is a powerful data visualization add-in for Excel with 5 dimensions including X, Y and Z axes with bubble size and color.
Views: 10,376Rating:
4.2 from 15 votes
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Excel Data Science Calculations is a standalone application allowing to import and export Excel data to perform comprehensive data analysis and visualization through statistical techniques.
Views: 6,800Rating:
2.6 from 7 votes
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