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Sensitivity Analysis

Excel sensitivity analysis for risk analysis

Excel Sensitivity Analysis

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Sensitivity Analysis for Excel is a powerful and simple to use tool for performing sensitivity analysis on Excel models. Results can be obtained through three possibilities: tornado analysis, spider analysis and sensitivity tables.

Key features of Sensitivity Analysis for Excel include:
  • A wizard which is intuitive and easy to use.
  • 100% integrated with Microsoft Excel.
  • Intuitive and easy to interpret reports.
  • Access to sensitivity models for quick updating and results viewing.
  • Automatic detection of input data.
  • Automatic detection of variable headings.
  • What-if analysis.

Sensitivity Analysis (or Post-Optimization Analysis) studies the manner how the most optimal target solution or function (Output), would be affected by changes in the value of one or more parameters (Input) of a model, while the rest of them remain unchanged.

Tornado analysis:
These charts show a graphical representation of the changes produced in the target optimal solution or function whenever a specific quantity or value in a model’s parameters changes in a constant proportion.

Spider Analysis:
This type of analysis makes it possible to make variations (by percentages) in the same amounts for all input variables.

Sensitivity Tables:
Tables showing constant variations of each input variable (defined variations with a base value, an increase value and a ceiling) and the effect of such changes to changes to output variables.

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(Updated on 2024-09-01)

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