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Input Cell Solver

Excel input cell solver for navigation and auditing

Excel Input Cell Solver

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Input Cell Solver is an Excel add-in which allows the backward calculation of input cells setting the desired result for a range of dependent formula cells by changing a specific input cell or range of the input cells automatically.

The Input Cell Solver Excel add-in allows target seek solutions to many spreadsheet cells at one time by configuring the seek target wizard and does multiple re-calculations automatically.

Key Features of the Input Cell Solver batch update and multiple cell seek add-in include:
  • Multiple Seek target Wizard - input cell or range to change, define target values, and the cell or range to be changed.
  • Breakeven analysis - define the cell or range to change, and the changing cell or range.
  • Administrate Models - Create saved relations within analytical models to monitor changing cells or ranges with corresponding outcomes.
  • Create toolbar with the saved models - add the administrative models to a custom toolbar for quick access within Excel.
  • Toggle Settings - globally set view settings within Excel and toggle between them.

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(Updated on 2024-07-01)

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