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Process Management

Excel Process Management templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions

Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for the management of business processes and operations. These Excel solutions are designed to assist in management of business and operating tasks and processes which can be applied to optimize production and resource planning activities, standardize administration processes and streamline operating logistics. Excel templates and solutions dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of value stream and production processes that reveal process optimization potentials to reduce waste and improve margins.

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Knowledge Management for Excel allows to organize and manage metadata and content such as comments, descriptions, and calculations from Excel and other documents to efficiently manage and analyze processes.
Views: 10,398Rating:
3.2 from 6 votes
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Templates for the Microsoft Office suite including over 75 Excel templates, 375 Word templates, and 250 PowerPoint templates. Increase efficiency with templates designed specifically for the business process management and analysis.
Views: 92,247Rating:
2.3 from 3 votes
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Construction Forms for Excel are a library of customizable Excel templates and documents for construction contracting and related administrative tasks.
Views: 20,324Rating:
3.1 from 8 votes
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Excel Balanced Scorecard Templates provide ten purpose built and customizable balanced scorecards for monitoring financial, customer, process and growth aspects of businesses.
Views: 12,167Rating:
3 from 2 votes
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Excel Six Sigma Templates provide a complete quality management solution for managing and monitoring business processes with statistical quality measurements under the six sigma framework.
Views: 11,390Rating:
3.5 from 2 votes
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The Gradebook Template for Excel is student grade management and tracking template for Excel with advanced reporting and automation features.
Views: 7,706Rating:
3 from 2 votes
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Excel Product Mix Optimization analyzes production resources to isolate the optimal number of output products or services that maximizes profit margin.
Views: 7,086Rating:
4.3 from 3 votes
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The Collaboration Tool for Excel enables the import of data from various Excel documents to be analyzed and manipulated before exporting back to separate workbooks.
Views: 6,993Rating:
2.7 from 4 votes
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Batch Printing for Excel is a complete print management solution that can be integrated into Excel with an optional add-in to manage, queue and schedule batch printing of multiple documents, worksheets and ranges.
Views: 6,748Rating:
4 from 2 votes
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Excel Survey Data Mining analyzes and reveals the impact of options and preferences from survey data in customizable data types such as rankings and probabilities.
Views: 6,669Rating:
4.4 from 5 votes
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Export MapPoint Waypoints for Excel allows to export route waypoints and associated data from Microsoft MapPoint directly to Excel as well as importing data from Excel to MapPoint.
Views: 6,348Rating:
4 from 2 votes
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The Excel File Change Trigger is a monitoring add-in that triggers processes when certain aspects of an Excel file�s contents or metadata changes.
Views: 5,886Rating:
4 from 3 votes
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Excel Dynamic Content Emailing allows Excel based content to be split and assigned to personalized emails for automated bulk sending of relevant information for recipients.
Views: 5,567Rating:
4 from 1 vote
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