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Spreadsheet Auditing

Excel spreadsheet auditing for navigation and auditing

Excel Spreadsheet Auditing

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Spreadsheet Auditing for Excel (Calc Audit) spreadsheet auditing uses advanced modeling techniques to analyze and graphically present cause and effects in Excel derivations and calculations. By navigating related cells in blocks, this Excel auditing tool provides a modular anatomy of complex spreadsheets, far superior to the common single cell based navigation. Event driven synchronization allows the user to focus on a chosen path of derivation and observe results of how new data entry propagates downstream.

Spreadsheet Auditing for Excel allows you to get a bird's eye view of the inter-dependencies among the cells and immediately figure out the underlying model in order to quickly spot errors. By navigating related cells in blocks, this tool provides a modular anatomy of complex spreadsheets. Event driven synchronization allows the user to focus on a chosen path of derivation and observe results of new data entry.

Increasingly stringent laws on financial reports require that you not only proof your numbers are accurate, but also demonstrate how you got them. Spreadsheet Auditing for Excel combines numerical drill down with formula tracing to fortify your Excel applications with both robustness and transparency. It decomposes long formula and reveals all intermediate calculation results in one intuitive view. Color coding accentuates each cell type, including IF condition result and branch selection, making debugging simple. Arrowed links graphically illustrate the inter-dependencies among cells even across worksheets and workbooks, as well as point out questionable references.

Spreadsheet Auditing for Excel lets the user focus on a chosen path of derivation and observe the propagation of changes downstream when an input value changes. Cell elements are labeled by row and column headers to indicate their business context. Both numerical analysis and formula traces can be saved and printed for future use.

Spreadsheet Auditing for Excel requires the Microsoft .NET framework to be installed.

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(Updated on 2023-12-01)

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