Data Management
Excel Data Management templates, add-ins and spreadsheet business solutions
Excel templates, add-ins and spreadsheet solutions for managing the input, update and structure of data. These Excel solutions are designed to increase the efficiency of data management within Excel and can be applied to common tasks such as updating, comparing and organizing data within a defined structure. Excel templates and solutions designed for the automation and assistance with data extraction, loading and transformation with Excel and via external data management systems.
Recommended Solution |
 Database and Cloud Data UpdatingExcel database and cloud updating allows to connect to database and cloud applications for live reporting and direct updating of data directly from Excel. |
Views: 6,303 | Rating: 4.8 from 6 votes | Try It Get It |
 Data ConsolidationData Consolidation for Excel is an Excel add-in which will allow to consolidate spreadsheet data from one or several sheets from one or many open workbooks quickly and easily. |
Views: 42,413 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Get It |
 Database Report BuilderExcel Database Report Builder is a special tool that allows you to build reports in Microsoft Excel format from any database. You can build your report using several sources in different formats. |
Views: 21,533 | Rating: 3 from 8 votes | Try It FREE |
 Database ManagerDatabase Manager for Excel is a database management Excel add-in enabling to store, edit and retrieve data from Excel as a database application. |
Views: 16,217 | Rating: 4 from 4 votes | Try It Get It |
 Categorizing DataCategorizing Data for Excel is an Excel add-in that allows the categorization of records in an Excel table based on a defined categorization criteria. |
Views: 15,376 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Get It |
 Data Management and AnalysisThe Excel Data Management and Analysis add-in is designed for manipulating and analyzing data in Microsoft Excel 97 software onwards and is ideal for anyone who uses Excel to any significant extent. |
Views: 13,227 | Rating: 3 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
 Table ManagementTable Management for Excel is a suite of Excel add-ins to assist with managing tabulated data. Table management tools include conditional extraction, consolidation, splitting, merging and categorization. |
Views: 11,344 | Rating: 3 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
 Data Sharing Add-inThe Data Sharing Add-in for Excel allows the transmission and reception of data between workstations directly from Excel sheets or cells over a network. |
Views: 10,695 | Rating: 2.6 from 5 votes | Try It Get It |
 Integrate DataIntegrate Data for Excel is a client application that integrates Excel data for analysis, process automation, manipulation and reporting. |
Views: 9,859 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Try It Get It |
 Reorganize DataReorganize Data for Excel automates the logical organization of data into tables suitable for analysis and pivot table reports. |
Views: 8,815 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Try It Get It |
 Data CleansingData Cleansing for Excel is an Excel add-in with multiple functions to interrogate, clean, modify and transform data automatically to save time and resources. |
Views: 8,757 | Rating: 3.1 from 8 votes | Try It Get It |
 Relational DatabaseThe Excel Relational Database is a database system integrated into Excel so that Excel can be used as the user interface for analyzing and sharing data. |
Views: 8,632 | Rating: 3 from 2 votes | Get It |
 Unstructured Data ImportExcel Unstructured Data Import is an engine that can used with Excel or standalone to import and transform unstructured data from text sources for consolidation and grouping. |
Views: 7,583 | Rating: 3.3 from 3 votes | Try It Get It |
 Fuzzy MatchingFuzzy Matching for Excel is a powerful solution for finding data in Excel based on exact or partial fuzzy (one or more different characters) criteria and optionally removing found duplicates. |
Views: 7,243 | Rating: 3 from 3 votes | Try It Get It |
 Import Scanned DocumentImport Scanned Document for Excel uses optical character recognition (OCR) to import data from scanned PDF documents into Excel with batch mode support. |
Views: 6,943 | Rating: 3.5 from 4 votes | Try It Get It |
 Remove Cell TextRemove Cell Text for Excel is an Excel add-in to automate the removal of certain text content from cells based on specific criteria. |
Views: 6,834 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Try It Get It |
 Rotate or Flip DataRotate or Flip Data for Excel is an Excel add-in that provides advanced functionality for data table transposing, rotation and reversing order in any direction. |
Views: 6,651 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Try It Get It |
 Separate DataSeparate Data for Excel analyzes data within an Excel worksheet and creates separate worksheets for data meeting specified criteria |
Views: 6,631 | Rating: 3 from 1 vote | Try It Get It |
 Compare FilesCompare Files for Excel can compare and merge Microsoft Excel workbooks. This is a quick and easy-to use tool with its own smart algorithm, used to find differences. |
Views: 6,614 | Rating: 3.5 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
 Data Manipulation ToolsExcel Data Manipulation Tools provide a suite of Excel add-ins designed to facilitate the importing, management and exporting of multiple types and structures of data within Excel. |
Views: 6,589 | Rating: 4 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
 SQL StatementsSQL Statements for Excel allows to query Excel files or Access databases using SQL query statements to return filtered data back into Excel for analysis. |
Views: 6,096 | Rating: 2.9 from 7 votes | Try It Get It |
 Convert ValuesConvert Values for Excel is an Excel add-in to convert data values between a wide range of different formats and data types in order to facilitate data analysis and save time. |
Views: 6,043 | Rating: 2 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
 Data ToolsExcel Data Tools provide a suite of automation routines and functions for fast and efficient transformation and analysis of tables and data in Excel. |
Views: 6,027 | Rating: 4 from 2 votes | Try It Get It |
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