Multiple File Protection
Excel multiple file protection for time saving
Excel Multiple File Protection | Rate this solution: (3/5 from 6 votes) |
Multiple File Protection for Excel can protect or unprotect multiple Excel worksheets and workbooks automatically in a fast and simple manner.
The Multiple File Protection for Excel automated protection and unprotection process provided by Multiple File Protection for Excel can save considerable time. Features include choosing an entire directory and protection password options.
Key functions of Multiple File Protection for Excel include:
- Protect sheet in Excel files.
- Unprotect sheet in Excel files.
- Protect workbook.
- Unprotect workbook.
- Protect multiple sheets in Excel files.
- Unprotect multiple sheets in Excel files.
- Protect multiple workbooks.
- Unprotect multiple workbooks.
Get It (Pricing is available on the next page)(Updated on 2024-06-01) |
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